My 2007 thankful list (in no particular order)
1. not having to worry, stress about/transport to, from/pay for child care--thanks to my mother, who is an endlessly patient, giving, and loving coparent to our boys;
2. our public library system
3. fresh, local produce; farmers markets, and Hurd Orchards (especially our own red raspberries, which were amazing this year);
4. the previous owners of this house, who unwisely removed the beautiful (original?) wooden front storm door to our bungalow, but wisely stored it safe and sound in the attic;
5. living near the Genesee Riverway Trail and the Strong National Museum of Play;
6. Letchworth State Park, which always reminds me of my grandma;
7. Battlestar Galactica, because it is frackin awesome;
8. a healthy pregnancy, 5-hour natural labor, and 10 perfect fingers and toes;
9. nightly family dance parties in the living room and Harrison's slick moves;
1o. Everyday Food magazine, which saves me every Saturday when I'm planning my weekly menu, and Val and Tara for the annual gift subscription;
11. family walks and Harrison's collections of leaves, pine cones, and sticks
12. friends and family who can cook well and cook for me;
13. old house blogs, websites and the library's do-it-yourself books, and a motivated husband
14. being able to share the journey of motherhood with my best girlfriends;
15. Harry Potter resolution--finally!