Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Next Weird Al?

Eeleeze Navi Don = Feliz Navidad
Suzie Snowflag = Suzie Snowflake

Thursday, December 13, 2007

9 Months

In a few hours you will be 9 months old. This time has gone so much faster than with your brother, without the craziness of neurosurgery and novice parenting dragging things on, and with the manic whirlwind of two energetic boys in the house. You were a week early, so you've already spent more time here than protected in my womb, but 9 months is still bittersweet and exciting and wonderful.

Happy birthday, my little baby. My big boy.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Monday, December 10, 2007

Classy Child: A Play in One Scene

The scene: Sunday dinner. Harrison sorts green peas onto the table. Smushes a green pea with his thumb.

H: Look! I made a booger!

The end.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Rancher Segregationist

In his spare time, Harrison runs a segregated horse ranch. He doesn't look kindly on the orange horses mixing with the brown horses, or the black with the grey, etc.

That's What Tiggers Do Best

Harrison's new excuse for misbehavior:
"But that's what little boys do!"

Christmas Card Photo Outtake