Monday, September 25, 2006

I'm scared

Harrison has been on a Thomas kick lately, so last month on an exursion to Target, we picked out and brought home this book:
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It's a charming story about how the steam engines on the island of Sodor are despised by the evil Diesel 10 and his thugs, who plot to destroy all the "steamies" with the aid of a giant mechanical claw that comes out of Diesel 10's engine. The Conductor, who is supposed to keep an eye on all the trains, is out of magic gold dust, so he can't do anything to protect the steamies. Luckily, Thomas and his friends find Lady, a magic golden engine who refills the Conductor's magic gold dust stash. Finally, there is a high speed chase during which Diesel 10 plunges to his death down a ravine and into a "barge filled with sludge."

What the fuck?

[Doug's theory is that it's a Chinese bootleg that was translated into English.]

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