Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Childless Again

Harrison left yesterday for a two-day trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house--his first overnight without us. Dinner was quiet and the conversation consisted of Doug and I repeating over and over "This is weird" and then cackling gleefully because we didn't have to pick up 70% of Harrison's dinner off of the floor and scrape smooshed cheese from the highchair. But then we ended up staying in and watching Six Feet Under because we forgot we were capable of actually leaving the house together after 7 PM.

I kept forgetting that Harrison wasn't asleep in his room. I believe I now how some sense of what it feels like to be an amputee with a phantom limb.

Tonight we're going to take naps after work and then go on a HOT DATE--to a restaurant, hopefully one without booster seats or high chairs or screaming babies or children's menus. And then a movie! And then a walk! And then out for ice cream! And then drinking and dancing! And then to a strip joint!

Actually, I don't think we could possibly squeeze it all in after work and before the bars close at 2 AM, but goddamn it--we could do it all if we wanted to!

The freedom is positively intoxicating!

1 comment:

Laura Whitaker said...

Kick up and have fun!