Friday, November 10, 2006


Harrison is having another bout with cold-induced asthma, and we're indefinitely tied twice a day to the nebulizer again, spewing its steroid and broncodilating steamy goodness.

It was the first trip to the MDs since he's really understood what's going on and been able to voice his feelings (and disdain), so I was a little afraid that he'd resist the waiting and being poked and prodded, but he did great, even when we had to sit there through a 15-minute nebulizer treatment. He actually had a slight meltdown when we it was time to leave the office, with its hot pediatrician and assorted doting nurses, because "I want to see the Doctor AGAIN!!!"

Harrison reported back to Doug after we got back home (apparently ambivalent about his earlier proclamation): "I like the ladies. I like ALL THE LADIES."

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