Monday, May 23, 2005

Bbbb-Bad to the Bone

I have attempted to reconstruct Harrison's apparent to-do list from this weekend:

1. throw toys behind baby gate into fireplace
2. pull photo albums out of book case
3. when presented with food on spoon, eat 4 bites, then bat spoon away
4. when presented with finger foods, eat 1 bite, spit out, but accept same food on spoon
5. find sleeping cat, pull said cat's fur/tail/ears
6. eat any extracted fur resulting from #5
7. pull lid off kitchen garbage
8. once lid has been removed, pull kitchen garbage onto floor
9. wait for bathroom door to be mistakenly left open in order to a. unroll toilet paper; b. put hands in cats' water bowl; c. figure out how to flush toilet by violently jiggling toilet handle; d. eat dirty kleenex found in bathroom waste basket
10. remove doorstops intended to prevent swinging of doors
11. swing doors open/closed repeatedly until fingers/toes are pinched
12. attempt to pick up any ants encountered outside
13. remove all clean diapers from basket on changing table
14. remove all barricades placed in front of wastebasket next to changing table
15. remove and wave over head all dirty diapers from wastebasket next to changing table
16. attempt to remove parents nose/lips/ears by biting or pulling
17. commence screaming whenever parents interfere with 1-16

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