Thursday, October 06, 2005

Another guilt-ridden rant

Ashley and I have been discussing these posts from the Baby Center forum on potty training.

My son will be 3 in six weeks and has yet to go on the potty, I've tried everything so I thought till a co-worker suggested a big sticker callendar and an explained treat at the end of the week for a certain amount of stickers. That will be my next try till then good luck with the potty training.
8:07 AM on 09/28/2005 Rhonda

Hi I'm a parent of an almost 2 year old who is potty training- I would like to encourage Rhonda in something- if you are not home with him during the day, it will probably be even longer till your son potty trains, because there is no consistency between daycare/babysitter and mom... Maybe you should consider staying home to raise your son if you can, so that you can potty train him, and then he will have the benefit of having a parent around all the time... I don't know your situation, but that is one thing I know makes a huge difference, in all aspects of a child's life, is having a parent there to do those important things. Good luck, though...
1:55 PM on 10/03/2005 Anonymous

Let us put aside Rhonda's apparent disdain for punctuation and focus on the many levels of idiocy in Anonymous' response-- the worst of which being that trying to persuade someone who might actually already be a stay at home mom to stay home so that they can clean up another human's shit and piss from a variety of surfaces and fabrics is just not very persuasive. Gee, Anonymous, thank you for pointing out that children benefit from having parents there to do the "important things." I'm sure Rhonda never thought about that before. I'm sure now that Rhonda's son is 3 and about to start preschool that she really should reconsider her choice to be a working mother. Everyone who reads the forum thanks you, Anonymous, for your incredible insight and prowess at solving these complex problems.

Still...despite my recognition that Anonymous is truly dumber than a box of hair, I am still manipulated into feeling guilty. How ridiculous is that?!

And since we're on the subject and already in ranting mode, if I have to hear Oprah say one more time that being a stay at home mom is the toughest job in the world, I am going to bludgeon myself with the remote control, because being a mom that has to work is pretty damn tough.

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