Wednesday, January 30, 2008

[Sing Theme From 'Jaws' Here]

Harrison's been obsessed with sharks lately.

It all started with a science book dedicated to sharks that we've been reading every night at bedtime for the past couple of weeks. We've learned a lot!

Harrison's favorite is the cookiecutter shark. If you read the wiki entry, you'll see that it gets its name from "its habit of removing small circular chunks of flesh" from other sea creatures. Harrison finds this gruesome fact fascinating.

(Me, I'm partial to the beauty-challenged goblin shark. )

Yesterday, Doug came home with a library haul of shark books and a National Geographic shark video, which we sat down to watch after bathtime. YIKES. The opening segment was about the myth that sharks are vicious predators of man and contained some scenes from Jaws (read: helpless swimmers being viciously attacked). The video dispelled the myth by showing, of course, that man was the predator, and sharks the victims (read: footage of sharks being harpooned and caught and clubbed on fishing vessels).

Needless to say, I want to swim in the lake this summer, so we told Harrison that the video was broken, popped in Charlotte's Web, and that was that.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Griffin Plays With Claude


1. Peas
2. Wheat bread
3. Muenster
4. Clementine


At Least He Tried to Clean It

S: What happened to the shirt you were wearing this morning when you went to school?
H: Miss Legenhausen said I had to change it.
S: Did you get water on it?
H: Yes.
S: What happened?
H: I sneezed, and then I wiped my nose on my sleeve like this [demonstrates], then there were boogers on my sleeve, so I washed my shirt in the sink, and then my shirt was wet, so Miss Legenhausen said I had to change it.
S: Nice.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Sunday Morning


Harrison's Favorite Songs

Harrison's cultivating quite the ear for good adult music, with a little help from us. Here are some of his favorites songs and where to find them:

1. "Rocketship" &  "Tacoland"/The Dead Milkmen/Bucky Fellini
2. "Hemisdalegate Like a Promethean Curse" & "Bunny Ain't No Kind of Rider"/Of Montreal/Hissing Fauna
3."Don't Call me Whitney, Bobby" & "Rough Gem"/Islands/Return to the Sea
4."Young Folks"/Peter Bjorn and John/Writer's Block
5. "Bad Weekend"/Art Brut/Bang Bang Rock and Roll
6. "The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song"/The Flaming Lips/At War With the Mystics
7. "Ob-la-di Ob-la-da," 'Hello Goodbye," "She Loves You (Yeah Yeah Yeah)," "I Am the Walrus," & "Strawberry Fields"/The Beatles (duh)  

Montessori Baby

We've decided to apply for Griffin to attend the same Montessori school that Harrison attends. They have a Toddler Community that starts at 18 months, which, conveniently, is exactly how old Griffin will be in September.

We have an interview tomorrow and have been told to bring Griffin. We're not exactly sure why.

Doug has surmised that they may ask the following questions:

1. "As a baby, what are your biggest strengths?"
2." Weaknesses?"
3. "What is your system for keeping track of matters requiring your attention?"
4. "Please tell us about a situation in your past when you had a difference of opinion or working style with one of your classmates. How did you handle it?"
5. "Where do you see yourself in 5 minutes? Ten minutes?"

"Dada" and "kitty" are the only words he can say, so I'm not sure if this format is going to work for him.

And? And? We're going to make him wear a business suit! Or maybe an Eton suit with short pants!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Not Exactly Christmas Card Material

This is what happened when Ashley and I attempted to get Emma and Harrison to hold their younger siblings in front of the tree for a nice holiday photo before Christmas.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Sweet Dreams

Harrison asks the following questions every night after we tuck him in and while we are exiting his room:

1. When's morning?
2. What can I dream about tonight?

We have stock answers to the last one: Mommy, Daddy, trains, our kitties Boog and Claude, etc. etc.

Last night, I said, "You can dream about your family." To which he responded, "No, not that. I love candy. I'm going to dream about Pez!"

[This after Doug bought him a Santa Pez dispenser from a Xmas Clearance sale.]

This morning he confirmed that he had indeed dreamed about Pez. Must have been exciting.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Christmas 2007

Just kidding! I haven't gotten a Christmas 2007 recap or photos organized yet. In the meantime, two images of slumbering children.

Harrison--crashed out in front of the boob tube.

Griffin- crashed out mid-dinner.