Wednesday, January 30, 2008

[Sing Theme From 'Jaws' Here]

Harrison's been obsessed with sharks lately.

It all started with a science book dedicated to sharks that we've been reading every night at bedtime for the past couple of weeks. We've learned a lot!

Harrison's favorite is the cookiecutter shark. If you read the wiki entry, you'll see that it gets its name from "its habit of removing small circular chunks of flesh" from other sea creatures. Harrison finds this gruesome fact fascinating.

(Me, I'm partial to the beauty-challenged goblin shark. )

Yesterday, Doug came home with a library haul of shark books and a National Geographic shark video, which we sat down to watch after bathtime. YIKES. The opening segment was about the myth that sharks are vicious predators of man and contained some scenes from Jaws (read: helpless swimmers being viciously attacked). The video dispelled the myth by showing, of course, that man was the predator, and sharks the victims (read: footage of sharks being harpooned and caught and clubbed on fishing vessels).

Needless to say, I want to swim in the lake this summer, so we told Harrison that the video was broken, popped in Charlotte's Web, and that was that.

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