It's hard to believe that summer is over!
Harrison's first day back to school was today. I can't believe what a big boy he's become. Here he is in the outfit he picked and layed out the night before. Our Montessori school doesn't allow any distracting clothing, so anything with logos, characters, numbers, etc. is out. As it states in the parent handbook: "Simple clothing allows the natural beauty of the child to show through."
Looking at our handsome boy, so excited for his first day back, Doug and I couldn't agree more! (Here he is on the first day of school last year.)
He absolutely will be fine! I bet seeing how happy his big brother is about going to school will help a lot. What a cutie. I can't believe how fast they're growing, time needs to slow down a little please!
Given all the photos of Griffin gardening, picking strawberries, eating cheerios, etc. this summer, I'd say that he'll be just fine- especially in the Practical Life area. :)
I just checked your blog today and feel bad that I missed these on Wednesday! What a big boy!
Now it's tradition to take a first-day-of-school back porch picture! It will be great to see them all as he and GriffMan get older.
Oh wow! He IS a bog boy!!!
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