Tuesday, June 28, 2005

59 week update

A summary of Harrison's latest skills and accomplishments:

1. The Conquering of the Great Ring Stacker. Not necessarily in the correct order of rings, so sometimes they don't all fit on, since he might, for example, put the red one on first, which is the smallest one, so only one more can get jammed on after that. And then—oh boy—let's try putting a block on top just for kicks! Gee, is it fun!
2. Shuttling objects: blocks, clumps of cat hair (have the words "clumps of cat hair" ever appeared so much in one blog? Perhaps I should rename it?), bits of newspaper, whole newspapers, laundry, more cat hair. He loves bringing over these random objects and handing them to you, but sometimes he tricks you and almost hands it over, but then runs away smiling and going, "SYKE!" Well, not that last part, but he finds it funny to play tricks.
3. Feeding people. One bite for him, one bite offered to whomever is around. Frankly, it's usually not that tempting of an offering because it's something like banana dipped in red sauce or a partially eaten, soggy graham cracker
4. Playing tunes. He's been waking up quietly from naps and night-sleeping and the first thing we hear is his crib music box being turned on. Then off. Then on. Then off. Then on. Then…you get the picture.
5. Self-flagellation with box tops. This isn't so much a skill or an accomplishment, but Harrison has taken to holding up this big metal cookie tin lid or the shallow wooden block box in front of his face and hitting himself in the forehead. Repeatedly. And giggling. ?????
6. Reaching out for things that he wants. It's not pointing exactly, but he reaches his arm out and grunts in the direction of a desired object. Examples of desired objects include the living room chandelier, the porch wind chime, trees with leaves, dangerous kitchen appliances with pretty, pretty cords and fun electricity
7. Downward-facing dog. The world is more fun when you look at it upside-down between your legs!
8. Dancing a happy dance. Rather indescribable. The phrase, "Jogging in place" does not sufficiently convey the absolute cuteness of this jig.
9. Lap-sitting. By far the most endearing of the set. World's littlest butt tries to insert itself on parent's lap or next to parent's own, much larger (well, in my case) butt. Execution is not always successful and owner of little butt often ends up tipping over. Almost always happens with a book in tow. When the first book is read, little butt retrieves another book and then attempted lap-sitting resumes. Repeat numerous times until all 5,286 books have been read.

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