Thursday, June 16, 2005

Happy Father's Day!

I will be leaving today for a Nguyen family wedding in Portland OR, so Doug will be a single parent from 7 tonight until Sunday afternoon. This means that for 60+ hours, he's going to be mostly alone with, and the lone caretaker for, a child who is on the move every single second of his waking hours—a child whose alias is now Hurricane Harrison because he leaves a path of devastation in his wake—a child whose secret superhero identity, I will finally reveal to you all, is Destructo.

Doug tells me that they're going to have a wild boys' weekend and invite some girls over, but my prediction is that the weekend will mostly involve Doug chasing Harrison around and urgently muttering sentences that begin with the words, "No..." "What..." "Put down..." "Get away…" and "Stop…"

I don't know what I'm going to come home to on Sunday, but it might not be pretty.

Before the torture begins and you resent me forever for leaving, Doug, let me butter you up by offering you some heartfelt Father's Day thanks:

Thank you, Doug, for being such a thoughtful husband and father. On Mother's Day you got up with Harrison and let me sleep as late as I wanted (just like you always do on Sundays). You bought me flowers and made me fresh sausage and french toast stuffed with blueberries. Thank you for making me feel appreciated and loved on my first Mother's Day. I'll be in the air Sunday morning, so thank you for waking up early with Harrison on Father's Day too.

Thank you for being so unbelievably strong and keeping me together during Harrison's diagnosis, testing, and surgery.

Thank you for being so comforting and understanding after I had to go back to work, when I cried every morning in the car after I said goodbye to our little baby.

Thank you for agreeing to be the one to drop Harrison off at daycare everyday, just because it's hard for me to say goodbye.

Thank you for reassuring me (over and over) that it was okay for me to stop breastfeeding Harrison at 6 months. You were right—he didn't die.

Thank you for being so supportive of my decision to cut back my work hours to 35 per week so that I can get more time with Harrison every afternoon. Thank you for working a full 40 hours so that we can afford to do that.

Thank you for laughing with me at people who suggest that you're really going beyond the call of duty by "babysitting" when I need a night out with the girls, by buying Harrison books, or by changing his diapers.

And finally, thank you for being my full partner in raising our amazing son. There is nothing in this world that has ever made me happier than seeing the two of you together.

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