Friday, June 24, 2005

Kids are disgusting

Yesterday, after I posted about the mulch-eating, hurling-into-the grass incident, Ashley and I were chatting about how desensitized we are to the nastiness of our respective offspring.

I offer as evidence:

Last night, Kama's over for dinner and we're sitting around the kitchen table eating, and Harrison's in his highchair eating some Morningstar "chicken," and carrots, and some wheat bread, only he's got this cold and cough, so everytime he coughs, he makes this hacking sound and spits out whatever half-chewed up food is in his mouth. Several minutes of this pass and Doug and I just keep on chatting and eating, while this big pile of gooey food on Harrison's bib gets bigger and bigger. Kama is looking pretty repulsed, so I say, "Is that bothering you?" And she says, "I'll just try not to look at it!"

And Doug solves the problem by nudging the pile into the bib pocket.

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